After 15 years as business manager and a director of the firm Tracy has gained a significant understanding of running a financial services business. She now works part time supporting the senior management team with business and regulatory compliance assistance. This allows Tracy to spend time looking after her family when needed
Tracy is married to Don and enjoys playing tennis, walking and gym work in order to try and stay fit & Healthy. She has recently moved house and is in her happy place creating interiors for her new home and planting out in the newly landscaped garden. As a bit of a home bird, she loves nothing more than creating a gathering with her growing family & friends. She loves to travel and has a few places on her bucket list yet to visit, however always enjoys her time spent in Portugal.
- Gardening & Trees
- Sunsets
- Music
- Clean Bedding
- Chilled out Cooking
- Cleaning my car
- Unkindness
- Mess & Clutter
- Rainy Summers
- Rude People